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HomeDonate to Heather Brodeur Fund

Thank you for your kind donation to the garden in Heather Brodeur's memory.

There are four ways you can donate:


1. By electronic banking: Send an e-transfer to

  To receive a tax receipt, send an email to the same address with your full name and mailing address.


2. By cheque: Payable to The Garden Club of Toronto, mailed to 777 Lawrence Ave. East, Toronto, ON M3C 1P2 and designating the Heather Brodeur fund.  

    To receive a tax receipt, enclose a note with your full name and mailing address.



3. By wire transfer: Contact Sandra Radcliffe (Treasurer) at 416-577-1496 or



Please note that the Club receives 100% of the funds donated through these 3 options.






4. For online donations via Canada Helps, please use the Garden Club link and identify “In Memory of”, and designate Heather Brodeur. 

Contact Us

The Garden Club of Toronto

777 Lawrence Ave. East

Toronto, ON M3C 1P2
